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Minimalist Home organization

Minimalist Home Organization

Minimalist Home Organization

Simple Tips for a Clutter-Free Life

What is Minimalism? Minimalism is a style of life that describes simplicity, intentionality, and the cutback of excess personal access. Now I’ll introduce minimalist clutter life. I lived most of my life in a cluttered home. Immediate were full, strong matches wouldn’t close, things weren’t put away in my house, and unfinished work could be found at home. That was when somebody came into our house. Then, the whole family would frequent in to ensure the house was neat.

The problem was not that we didn’t notice a cluttered house. Alternatively, the problem was we could never seem to rebuild a system that would keep our house clutter-free. Then, In the past, we did focus on solving this problem. We found a perfect solution that fit for our family. I’m completely sure your can use these hacks for your home to make it clutter-free. 

Start with a Decluttering Mindset

Always a decluttering mindset is the 1st step toward a minimalist style of life. It involves your perspective that gives priority to quality, and focusing on how your life become better. Before buying anything always ask the question yourself, Why am I buying this and Does it bring happiness in my life?

Most of us know it is possible to live clutter-free. Your house has been cluttered. Now, you lose all hope of leaving with a clutter-free home. The first step is you need to convert your mind and heart and believe it is possible. Now, you find hope and take a small step to solve it. 

Organize by Categories, Not Rooms

Here, we’ll try to understand this topic with the “KonMari” method. The KonMari Method, introduced by Marie Kondo, is a famous decluttering and company technique that highlights an approach to decluttering. This method belonging by categories, Here’s how is it works;

  1. Categories over rooms

 The KonMari Method shows items in different categories. Here’s the list:

  • Clothing
  • Books
  • Papers
  • Miscellaneous items
  • Emotional items
  1. Storage solution

When you declutter your home, find a place where your clothing, shoes, and other products visibility will be better. That allows you to have more confidence and clear visibility. 

  1. Start with Clothing

Start with clothes, gather all your clothes, and assess all pieces carefully. 

  1. Enjoy Everything

For each product, ask yourself, Does it joy? If yes, that’s amazing and enjoy it, if your answer is Not, say it goodbye. Because it can reduce your emotional connection with enjoyment. 

Use Functional and Multi-Purpose Furniture

In the minimalist house, every piece of furniture should serve multi-purpose. Multi-purpose furniture allows you to give more space for your visibility products without clutter. 

Multi-functional furniture does just not give you more space for further usage it gives you the confidence of creativity. When you use one piece of furniture for multiple purposes, your room will be open and broad, and you can work effortlessly. 

Simplify Your Storage Solutions

Modify your house into an organized refuge by effectively making use of baskets, bins, etc for hidden storage. Choose the right place and size to fit your space. The some products we own, the simpler it is to keep clutter at a lowest. The first and VIP step in keeping your house clutter-free is to remove the immoderate control that is stealing our lives, time, and energy. 

To increase your space, put some storage boxes or plastic containers under the bed. This way you can completely use your under-bed space.

Put all the off-season clothing, toys, paper, extra materials, toolbox, etc. under the bed. Keep items that are used less regularly under the bed.

Maintenance and Consistency

Creating organizational systems that work for us and our houses to become them decluttered. But it will be better for us to maintain its clutter. If we don’t regularly take little time to control and organize items in our homes, things can easily become cluttered again.

By making clutter-free a part of your routine, you can generate a cleaner, more organized house. This not only makes your space feel peaceful moments with broad and decluttered home but also helps you live more purposely. Enjoy a simple and tidy house that truly shows who you are!


In summary, minimalist home organization is necessary for generating a peaceful and multi-functional living space. A decluttering environment not only increases mental improvement but also makes daily tasks easier and more enjoyable. By clutch minimalism, you can encourage a sense of relaxation, improve your focus, and focus on your lifestyle that truly shows your values. Enjoy the benefits of a well-designed house, where everything serves a purpose and gives to your overall well-being.


  1. How to live a simple clutter-free life?
  • Make your bed every day in the morning.
  • Open and sort mails immediately.
  • Place items back in their designed houses.
  • Tidy up in every evening to start your new fresh day.
  • Visible a space for your best items.
  1. What is the 90-90 rule for minimalism?

Created by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus of The Minimalists, the 90/90 rule is a decluttering process that requires you to ask yourself two questions about objects you’re not sure about: Have you used it in the past 90 days? And if not, will you use it in the 90 days ahead

  1. How to minimize clutter in your home?
  • Limited Storage.
  • Neat and clean your surface.
  • Designate your home for everything and be fantastic.
  • Reduce your desire to get more.
  • Change your Habits.
  • Maintain your routine.

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