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How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram

How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram – Complete Walkthrough

Sharing content across social media platforms is a great way to expand your followership and reach further implicit fans and followers. In this article, we will look at how you can fluently partake a YouTube video on Instagram with a complete step- by- step walkthrough.

Why Share YouTube Videos on Instagram?

There are a many crucial benefits to sharing your YouTube videos on Instagram

Reach a New Audience

Your Instagram followers probably do n’t overlie 100 with your YouTube subscribers. By sharing videos on Instagram, you introduce your content to people who may be active Instagram users but not regular YouTube watchers. This helps expand your total reach.

Drive Traffic to Your YouTube Channel

When you participate a YouTube video link on Instagram, your Instagram followers can easily click over to watch the full video on YouTube. This increased traffic to your YouTube videos and channel can help boost your average view duration, subscriber count, and other important YouTube analytics over time.

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Engage With Fans Cross-Platform

Keeping your content and messaging harmonious across platforms encourages community structure. suckers who enjoy your vids on YouTube may also decide to follow you on Instagram as well. This allows for further engagement opportunities as followers can fluently like, note and partake across YouTube and Instagram.

The Basic Process of Sharing YouTube Videos on Instagram

Now that we have explored some of the crucial benefits, let’s go through the simple way to actually participate a YouTube video on your Instagram profile or story

Select the YouTube Video

You will first need to choose the specific YouTube video you want to participate on Instagram. Make sure the video is public so others can view it.

Copy the Video URL

Open the YouTube video in a cybersurfer and copy the URL from the address bar at the top. You can choose and copy the entire URL link.

Create an Instagram Post or Story

Either create a new post by tapping the else icon in your Instagram feed or start a story by swiping right from your profile page.

Paste the YouTube Link

In the Instagram caption or story text box, paste the full YouTube video URL that you copied earlier.

Add a Caption (Optional)

You can optionally add additional text before or after the pasted link to promote or describe the video. Use hashtags to help people discover your post.

Post to Feed or Stories

Then simply tap share to post the YouTube link to your Instagram feed or press send to add it to your Instagram stories.

Now your followers can easily watch the full video directly from Instagram by clicking the link. Let’s dive deeper into some specific sharing scenarios and options.

Sharing YouTube Videos to Instagram Feed Posts

When sharing a YouTube video link directly in an Instagram feed post, some additional formatting and best practices can improve the experience for your followers:

Format the Caption

Clearly label that the link is for a “YouTube Video” to set proper expectations. You can also bold or italicize the link to make it more identifiable.

Add a Thumbnail Preview

Instagram allows you to select a photo preview for link posts. Use a high-quality thumbnail frame from the YouTube video for the best engagement.

Include a Call-to-Action

Prompt followers to “Click the link!” or “Watch now on YouTube” so they know to click through instead of just viewing the image preview.

Use Relevant Hashtags

Add hashtags related to your content topic, video theme, YouTube channel name or keywords to reach a wider discoverability on Instagram.

Tag YouTuber Account

If collaborating with another creator, be sure to tag their Instagram or YouTube account so their fans can also engage.

Posting YouTube links this way in the Instagram feed gives viewers an incentive to click over to YouTube while still showcasing the video content natively within Instagram.

Sharing to Instagram Stories

Sharing YouTube links directly in Instagram stories provides a more impromptu way to promote videos to followers:

Add a Custom Story Sticker

Make the YouTube link stand out from the background by applying a sticker shape and adjusting the design/color to your brand.

Overlay Text or Stickers

Type a quick promotion or add other visual elements on top of the unclickable YouTube link preview to catch eyes.

Tag the YouTube Channel

Be sure to tag the YouTube channel to credit the source and allow others to easily follow creators from stories.

Expire After 24 Hours

Stories don’t persist on profiles like posts, so maximize views by uploading YouTube links during peak engagement times.

The curated, temporary format of stories can introduce videos to an audience that may not see feed posts. Play around with creative story link placement strategies.

Optimizing YouTube Link Sharing over Time

How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram

With some testing and refinement, you can evolve your YouTube sharing approach on Instagram:

Analyze Engagement

Pay attention to which videos, captions, hashtags or formatting drive the most link clicks, likes and comments over many posts. Optimize future sharing based on insights.

Request Likes/Comments

gently ask your audience to “Tap link + like this post!” or “Watch, subscribe and comment below!” to boost interactions for increased reach.

Experiment With Timing

Post videos at various times and days of the week to determine when your followers are most active and receptive on Instagram.

Create Video Adapters

Repurpose YouTube content into quick vertical video previews, snippets or captions exclusively for Instagram sharing.

Cross-Promote on YouTube Too

Remind YouTube subscribers to follow your Instagram and look for shared links in community posts, stories, etc.

With trial and error, you’ll gain a stronger understanding of what resonates most when sharing between YouTube and Instagram over the long run. Stay engaged with your evolving community across platforms.

Common Challenges and Solutions

As with any new process, sharing YouTube links to Instagram may pose some headaches at first but many are easy to workaround:

Link Truncation on Mobile

Very long YouTube URLs can get cut off. Shorten them using a free link shortening service before posting.

Link Previews Look Squished

Instagram may distort video thumbnails. Upload high-quality preview images instead for link posts.

Low Click-Through Rates

Improve promotional captions and make calls-to-action clearer alongside the link.

Copy-Paste Issues

Manually retype shortened YouTube links into Instagram to avoid potential formatting errors.

Videos Lack Context

Create more introductory posts providing background before linking out for context.

With some initial testing and adjustments you can resolve most common sharing issues between YouTube and Instagram. The platform integrations will also continue to evolve over time.


In summary, sharing your YouTube videos as links on Instagram is a straightforward process that can be optimized with tracking, experimentation, and community engagement best practices over many posts. Taking the time to thoughtfully repurpose and promote your content across major social platforms like YouTube and Instagram significantly expands your potential audience in an authentic way. Stay tuned into platform changes and keep testing new strategies to increase discovery and drive traffic between the two massive communities.

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